Stay away from addiction. It’s much easier said than done because you can never predict what’s going to happen in your life. Many have said that they would never get hooked on harmful substances like alcohol, meth or cocaine but one day you’ll be surprised to see them high as a bird and they won’t recognize you anymore. Maybe some of your closest friends, healthy as an ox before but turn malnourished because they where using those addictive stuffs. Now why do these kinds of things happen? How can someone so smart and strong fail on their promise to stay sober? And how can we help them get back on their knees?
The thing is, when life’s stresses hit you like a rock unaware, and then chances are you’ll find some other sort of recreation or object that serves as your diversionary activity. Some would eat, go shopping, go on a vacation to unwind, watch a movie or pray for guidance. But other, those who lack access to those kinds of stuff or prefers something that they think is a much easier and faster way of escaping their problems turn to drug addiction. The most common type of problem an ordinary person would go through are family problems like sibling rivalry, parents split up or death of a family member; in school like trying to keep up with the grades or maintaining the grades; love life like split ups; peer pressure where you have to meet the expectancy of your chosen friends; and trying to have or maintaining a good paying job. These are the ones which stress us the most and devour our wellbeing. If we cannot find the a way to deal with out inner and outer tensions then one way of the other we will end up crazy or dead.
So how do we deal with these? We sought from our family and guidance councilors, choose the right set of friends, and practically pray for guidance and wisdom to do the right thing. Try hard enough to stay sober and if the time comes where you can’t take it anymore then do the stuffs mentioned above that is far from the wrong deeds. And if your friends or loved ones are the people who needs help then don’t be selfish in giving it. Be a good friend and a good example to your friends; help them as long and as much as you can. Keep them away from harmful drugs or help them seek help from treatment centers.
Support them in their quest for a better life. Always bear in mind to stay away from addiction and never loose focus on that.
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