A dual diagnosis is given to an individual who has both a mental disorder and an alcohol or drug problem. Since the two disorders occur together frequently, it must be also treated simultaneously because the increasing effect influences all aspects of the individual’s life and another reason why it should be treated together is to achieve the best possible outcome. Finding a successful treatment for this disorder is not an easy task to attain since the other symptoms of one disorder often have similar symptoms from the other disorder. For example, anxiety, depression, and the like are similar to symptoms of mental illness. Any dual diagnosis treatment should meet the exact mental health needs. That’s why people who possess this condition need to be given an exact medical attention and care.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Dual Diagnosis Treatments
Causes of Alcoholism
These are the reason why some people turn to alcoholism. They believe they can escape these conflicts by submerging ones body in alcohol. The state they reach when they hit toxicity is such euphoria for them that they ignore the consequences they get. Even though they know the adverse effect that alcohol can give them, they still have that constant urge of accumulating the substance to drown all there problems away. They have a problem that couldn’t be ignored and that wouldn’t stop if they don’t want to even if they would undergo alcohol detox.
It is such a misconception that alcohol can take away our dilemmas. This idea is wrong in all point for it only brings more complication into our lives. And not just to the person who is alcoholic but also to the people around. It also puts those people at risk of being the victim of violence due to the altered mental and physical complication that beer can cause.
As much as we’d like to help, the only way an alcoholic can be cured is if the person would want to. We can’t forcibly admit them in alcohol treatment centers if they are not willing to participate in the programs. As hard as it is to bare, we can only wait for them to realize their mistake and voluntarily undergo recovery.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Finding Effective Drug Addiction Help
Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. For drug dependents, they experienced drug craving, seeking, at times uncontrollable, and can lead them to negative consequences. Large part of effects of drug addiction is on brain functioning and thus, on behavior that’s why acquiring treatment for this addiction is very essential. Drug rehab center would be the best answer for this problem in order to get clean again.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Bring Your Family a Normal Life – Stop Alcoholism!
It’s really all in the mind. The condition of alcoholics is a mental condition. Dual diagnosis is a mental illness associated with an addicted substance. Yes, alcohol is an addictive substance! It is one of the most abused narcotics in the world. It influenced the way you think. It is elicited in your actions. It controls the way you are. It was the culprit of your crime – crime against your family is the first and foremost. They may not be vocal about it, but the effects diverges to other insurmountable negative implications like loss of communication, bad habit toleration, misplaced sense of submission for the sake of temporary peace, and neglecting the very core of problems – a complete deterioration of basic family values. The worst of all, you will be feared than to be loved.
It is still in the mind. There is really no direct cure of alcoholism. Recovery from it, however, will always be possible. This should be done in an alcohol treatment center for you to be isolated from your family and for them to be isolated from your violent resort of alcohol absenteeism. Search that feeling of being away from your family for some time to find that lost love for them within. But that’s the very worth of it - you wanted to recover your family more than you wanted to recover from alcoholism.
Friday, September 19, 2008
How to Eradicate Drug Problems
First, we need to find out the reasons why persons are getting into drugs. One big reason for taking illegal drugs is finding relieves to depression and pain where eventually he remove his symptoms. He tends to be independent on drugs and eventually be addicted to it because he believes that it comforts him and it eases his pain. When he becomes addicted to that substance, he wouldn’t anymore realize that it slowly ruins him physically and mentally. Not only he ruins his life, most of the time drug addicts also ruins the life of innocent persons.
The need for drug addicts to undergo drug rehabilitation program is a must especially for those who experienced withdrawal symptoms or drug detoxification like emotional and mental disorders. Drug rehabilitation is the only way for drug addicts to recover. This drug addiction treatment helps them gain power and ability to overcome addiction and withstand the long process of rehabilitation program. Through counseling, addicts may begin to understand that they are capable of controlling their life and forget the life of being a drug addict. Counselors who will take care of their patients give them confidence and words of encouragement to make them mentally strong facing several therapies that they will have to undergo as part of the cleansing and recovery.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Alcoholism Treatment: A Road To Recovery
Alcoholism is also known as being dependent in alcohol or being addicted to it. It is a brain disease illustrated by habitual seeking and use of alcohol. However, alcohol addicts don’t believe that being addicted to it is a big deal since they always thought there is nothing to be shamed of because it is genetic hence if some of your family member have an alcohol problem it is very likely that other members of your family are addicted. Because of such instances most of alcohol addicts doesn’t believe they have a problem and need an alcoholism treatment and it is also very common thing because alcoholics uses defense mechanism to protect themselves from the painful reality. No one likes to think that she/he has a problem so the best thing to do with it is deny the fact and act like there’s no problem at all.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Alcoholism Problems – Analysis and Solutions
Most patients who undergo alcoholism treatment are those who have developed diseases because of excessive drinking. The first stage of alcoholism treatment is known as the alcohol detoxification or the withdrawal process. This process is the most critical stage and needs to be medically monitored because it can create medical problems including brain damage or death. The symptoms of withdrawal process are observed patients having nausea, severe headache, and anxiety and delirium tremors. The next stage of treatment is the counseling phase which depends on the situation and severity of the patient. Counseling is a big help to the patients in order for them to discover the root cause of their behavior and explore the event that triggers their drinking.
Alcohol rehabilitation aims to find out the reasons of patient’s compulsive behavior and suggest ways in coping with everyday stress and pressures. Another way of giving treatment to alcoholics is family support. Support and encouragement from the family will be a helpful tool for a fast recovery of alcoholic patients. For alcoholic patients to remain sober for a long period of time it is important to have several alcoholism relapses and it takes a lifetime of work as there is no easy cure.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Alcohol Trouble
Beer intoxication is one of the usual reasons on vehicular accidents. Alcohol can cause a lot of central nervous system complication especially impaired judgment that alters our reflexes which causes the accidents. From little scratches to dead on the spot cases have been on the headlines of newspapers because of drunk driving and also most of the victims are teenagers and young adults. Due to the cost spent on alcohol treatment centers, only a few can afford to be admitted. But there are also other places that accept clients with same problem, but the thing is other individuals don’t know how to accept or they deny the fact that they have a problem towards alcohol like how to control their alcohol intake. Needless to say, they can’t solve their problem as long as they choose to believe that what they have is not something serious.
Alcohol rehabs will take care of an individual who has a problem with alcohol control. They have a planned program that their clients will undergo. The staff and council are trained professionals who have studied and dedicated their time in enhancing their minds and skills to help their patients. They opt in helping out somebody they don’t know, guide them back to good health, a life of soberness, where all things are far from the perils that alcohol addiction gives.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Power to Stay Sober
First of all admitting that you have a problem in controlling yourself from substance intake and abuse is somehow tough as is. It is a matter of choice if you will continue to deny it or face the fact that you do have a problem and seek help for cure. A rehab center is the usual place that is appropriately made for these kin of individuals. In there, you will undergo various steps of a treatment program set to aid you in your dilemma. Also, you will be aided by various people, all skilled to help you out in any way possible. Basically they are there to guide you all the way to a healthy state physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Drugs and alcohol are harmful for your well being. Everybody knows that but we cannot predict how things will be in our life and there will always be a chance that these vices will be too tempting. Added by other stressors and peer pressure one can be lured in this kind of addiction and be obsessed in the long run. Though drug and alcohol treatment are there to bring us back to a good life, still it will be much better if we would stay sober and prevent temptation and curiosity from taking over our minds. Pure will power is the key to stay sober or strive hard in getting better.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Dual Diagnosis
Dual diagnosis is a term used to describe the presence of one or more disorders apart from a primary disease already identified. Sometimes, dual disorder is also called co-occurring disorder or co-morbidity.
Dual diagnosis is a serious health concern that needs to be addressed properly. Emphasis should be given that what needs to be treated is not only substance abuse. Persons suffering from co-occurring disorders need drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation as well as mental health disorder treatment.
Dual diagnosis treatment is available in select
Prescription Addiction
Among these, pain killer is the most abused medicine. But the thing is it’s not illegal. It is a prescribed drug or may be over the counter for individuals with very ill conditions. But due to the effectiveness of the drug it is used more than the required dose or more than the doctor’s prescription limit. Usually these drugs are used by much stressed persons because of the ability of the drug to cause sedation. That is the reason why many individuals are labeled in substance abuse on prescription drugs. Another reason why this drug is so addictive is because of one of its key ingredient. Morphine is a highly addictive drug that is combined in pain killers. It is an active agent in opium that acts directly to the central nervous system to relieve pain.
This kind of addiction is as serious as addiction on illegal drugs. A substance that is taken more than the body’s requirement is automatically considered bad for ones health. We have the option of undergoing medical detox if we feel like or if we are having sign and symptoms of drug toxicity. Let us not get ourselves get involved or get hooked in this kind of addiction for it will only lead to harm.